Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekly Summary - 6/20

All in all, I felt that this was a good week for running. I increased my long run on Saturday by a couple miles, still managed to get some good vertical in and I felt great. I definitely could have added some mileage and vertical that day, but the temperatures were steadily increasing. Christine and I are heading to Raleigh Friday morning for Keith's wedding, which means my weekend long trail run is not an option. I hope to knock out a good 12+ miles with 2000+ vertical Thursday afternoon to supplement for the busy weekend. Christine and I will definitely sneak in a few runs in NC though.

Here are the numbers for the week. I've got one more week to stay strong then head into a bit of a tapper.

Monday: St Vrain Track
3.5 M
Knee feeling pretty bad so didn't want to push it.

Tuesday: Indian Mesa w/Christine (Lunch)
3.5 Miles @ 400 ft

Indian Mesa + Thompson (PM)
5 Miles @ 650 ft

Wednesday: Off - Allergies causing havoc with me

Thursday: Indian Mesa + Thompson (PM)
5 Miles @ 650 ft
Nice cooling, late evening run

Friday: Heil - Ponderosa Loop
7.6 Miles @ 1148 ft
Saw a couple of wild turkeys on my run. It's a lot of fun to continually see wildlife on my runs. Just another thing that makes cruising through the trails so great.

Saturday: Heil - Ponderosa Loop + 2nd Wapiti Climb
12.6 Miles @ 2000+ vertical

Sunday: Pond Loop with Christine (AM)
3.5 Miles

Over the past year, I've really simplified my running, getting rid of the iPod, socks, sunglasses, and even a shirt when the weather permits. Although I don't have speakers stuck in my ears, there's definitely music playing. Here is the song that I just can't get out of my head:

A couple of pictures taken from Rabbit Mountain Open Space

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekly Summary - 6/14

I feel as if my exercise is getting back to something in the realm of consistency. Mentally, I've committed myself to running the Leadville Heavy Half. It's basically a half marathon (13.1 miles) plus a bit more (2.1 miles) with a little elevation gain (~3000 vertical ft) and a starting elevation of 10,200 ft above sea level. It's a little intimidating when I think about it, but I think it'll be a fun race and hopefully the vertical I've been getting in will pay off.

Lastly, here are the weeks numbers.

Monday: Mesa Trail - Boulder
4 Miles @ 400 vert ft

Tuesday: Indian Mesa AM
3.5 Miles @ 500 vert ft
Indian Mesa PM
3.5 Miles @ 500 vert ft

Wednesday: Pond Loop
3.5 Miles

Thursday: Rabbit Mtn
Indian Mesa + Thompson Overlook + Road Climb
7 Miles @ 800 vert ft

Friday: Off

Saturday: Picture Rock w/Christine
7 Miles @ 300 vert ft
Beautiful, low hanging clouds after the recent rain with no one on the trail

Sunday: Union Res AM
6.5 Miles @ 100 vert ft
Mesa Trail PM
4.5 Miles @ 400 vert ft

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thought for the Day - 6/10

"The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your's so easy to make it complex. The solution may be for a lot of the worlds problems to turn around and take a forward step." -Yvon Chouinard

For me, simplicity seems to be something unattainable. The more I try to simplify things, the more complex they get. Regardless, I think often times, the simplest approach is the best, yet it's usually the last one I choose. I really like the quote above from Yvon and thought I'd share it, as it continues to percolate in the back of my head.

More good tunes to share......

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Tunes 6/9

Here is a new song that I find really chill....enjoy....or not.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Recent Photo Log

Since it's been a while since I've posted, I thought I'd share some pictures of the past few weeks of being in the mountains.

Looking South at the Indian Peaks

There were great views of Mt. Meeker and Longs Peak from Twin Sisters. Hopefully the snow will be melting up high and I can give Longs a try later this summer.

Christine and I at the halfway point of our Memorial Day run. This is the back of the Nelson Loop at the Nighthawk junction. This has to be on the top of my list for loops on the Front Range. At 9.7 miles, a true loop run and a hikers only trail, it's pretty unbeatable.

Another great view of Mt. Meeker, with Longs looming behind. Longs Peak being the only 14er North of I-70, it dominates the view on the Front Range and seems to be the natural backdrop for most photographic images. Why should I be any different!?

Christine typically jumps for joy when she's able to run with me!! Well, maybe that's not quite accurate, but I was able to catch her feeling good at the beginning our a long run. It's such a blessing to be able to share the love of movement and the mountains with my wife.

Looking back down the initial climb of the Nighthawk Trail at Hall Ranch. Gotta love that singletrack!

Christine and I may have found a new favorite coffee shop. Recently, the Barking Dog in Lyons moved just down the block to a new (and I must say improved) location. This has become our go-to place to relax after a weekend run in the mountains. With great coffee and pastries, and some comfy seating, what's not to like.

The small town of Lyons Colorado, with it's recently renovated Main St.

Lastly, some good new music....

Weekly Summary - 6/6

After a few weak weeks of running after my Rainier climb due to craziness at work, I'm just now starting to get some time back on the trail, as well as filling in the gaps with some time on the bike.

Monday: Hall Ranch - Nighthawk Trail
9.7 Miles
1500 vertical ft
What a great day of running in the hills. For a Memorial Day in Colorado, Christine and I managed to pick a trail which we had virtually to ourselves.

Tuesday: Green Mountain
6 Miles
2300 vertical ft
I DID NOT feel very good. My legs felt like bricks, heavy and slow. And, for the first time, I got a crazy blister on my heel.....not sure if my sockless running is letting me down, but I'm starting to reconsider my approach.

Wednesday: Day Off

Thursday: Track workout - Skyline HS
3.5 Miles of intervals
Elected not to run a timed mile as I was having some ankle pain, although last week I ran a 5:45 mile at Skyline. Hopefully my time will continue improving, but I'm pretty happy with the fastest mile I've had since I was actually attending a high school!

Friday: Day Off

Saturday: Twin Sisters
7.9 Miles
2477 vertical ft
Christine and I had to hike some, as there's still quite a bit of snow still up high, but it was another beautiful day to be galvanting around in the mountains and even better to be up higher.

Sunday: Road Bike - 87th - 75th - Dia - Pike
33 Miles with Christine

I've definitely been inconsistent with my running routine, but spending some good time on the trails this week renewed my spirit. I'm excited to continue venturing into the higher peaks as this warmer weather is upon us and the snow continues to melt....although hopefully not too fast. If I can throw in some longer mileage runs each week for the coming few weeks and get into the higher teens, I may give the Leadville Heavy Half a shot on July 4th. In the meantime, I'll continue enjoy moving swiftly through the hills.